Neurological rehabilitation

After being diagnosed with a neurological condition, you may follow a multidisciplinary rehabilitation plan. Together with your caregivers, a customized plan is created. Your progress will be evaluated at set times.

What it is

Neurological rehabilitation focuses on restoring and improving functional skills when you have suffered a neurological disorder or injury. Our goal is to help you regain your lost skills, learn compensatory techniques and improve your quality of life. This is accomplished through a multidisciplinary approach in which different health care providers work together to create a treatment plan customized for each patient. During the first rehabilitation session, a comprehensive screening is conducted. Based on this, rehabilitation goals are determined.

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  • The physical therapist tries to improve your abilities using all available means and functions. You work on your mobility, muscle strength, stability and general fitness. You receive coordination and balance training.
  • The occupational therapist helps you restart daily activities and resume your leisure activities. You will train your fine motor and cognitive skills. You get advice on possible aids and home modifications.
  • A speech therapist will explain more about safe swallowing and how to control your breathing. Together you will work on improving articulation and learn different memory strategies. For swallowing disorders, you will be guided in learning how to swallow safely.
  • A psychologist can assist you at any time during rehabilitation and can perform a neuropsychological examination if needed.
  • Social services can help you arrange all practical matters.

Neuropsychological examination

In some cases, it may be necessary to perform a neuropsychological examination. This is useful in injuries to the brain that also involve psychological symptoms. If the psychological symptoms are a result of the affected function of the brain, you can follow a cognitive rehabilitation program.

Cognitive rehabilitation

The brain is the center from which our functioning is controlled. If an injury occurs here, in addition to physical complaints, it can also cause symptoms in the areas of thinking, feeling and acting. These consequences are often not immediately noticeable and difficult to see on the outside. You may suddenly experience the following problems: absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, irritability, quick fatigue, difficulty in planning and organizing,... This can put a great strain on daily functioning.

A neuropsychological examination may be suggested by your treating health care providers. The examination identifies cognitive impairments, emotional problems or behavioral changes. The examination is performed by a psychologist. You can read more about it in the brochure below.


Rehabilitation plan

During the initial screening, a decision is made as to whether you need to undergo rehabilitation at our center for a certain period of time or whether this can be done with a physiotherapist of your choice. The sessions in the rehabilitation center are given in groups but an individual rehabilitation plan is drawn up based on your needs. Every week there is a multidisciplinary meeting where your evolution and goals are discussed with the attending rehabilitation doctor. Together we strive for the best possible functionality. If necessary, a family meeting can be scheduled. The neurological rehabilitation room is located on the ground floor of the hospital in block A.

To put less strain on your body during rehabilitation, you can exercise on an anti-gravity treadmill.

Anti-gravity treadmill (AlterG)

You can have a gait analysis if you have persistent pain in your feet, knees or hips.

Gait Analysis

Common conditions

Conditions that often require neurological rehabilitation:

Stroke (CVA)
Dizziness and/or balance disorders
Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Hand rehabilitation
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
Speech disorders
Parkinson's disease